Serine Gasparyan

Serine Gasparyan



  • BA in Pre-recruiting and Physical Training, Vanadzor, Armenia State Pedagogical Institute
  • MA in Physical Culture for Disabled Persons, Kinesiology, Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture,Yerevan


I grew up in Vanadzor, a small town in Armenia. After graduating in 2014 I moved to Lithuania where I was volunteering in an orphanage, this experience sparked my love of teaching. In 2019 I went to Vietnam, and taught in different schools in Hanoi. Before coming to UWCD I have worked in different places of education and technology. My career as a teacher started with Teach For Armenia, where I spent 3 years of teaching in small villages around Armenia. 

What is the favourite part of the course you teach?
I like to stimulate creativity and promote my student's curiosity. 

Which teaching method do you prefer and why?
My favourite lessons are those where students work together as a team where everyone is involved. 

Who is your role model or mentor or who inspires you?
Joan Baez.

What is your life motto?
And, in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you gave.

What are the three things you can't imagine your life without?
Friends, music, traveling.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to watch animations, to hike, to cook, play different computer games.